Student Chapter Funding Requests


 The Nebraska/Dakotas Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects is committed to supporting the Landscape Architecture Student Chapters at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, South Dakota State University, and North Dakota State University in their endeavors to advance the mission, vision, values and culture of ASLA. With this in mind, NDC ASLA will accept funding requests from Student Chapters as outlined below.

Who May Apply: Student Chapter members from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, South Dakota State University, and North Dakota State University.

Eligible Activities: Activities that advance the mission, vision, values and culture of ASLA, including travel expenses to landscape architecture related events, activities/exhibits that promote landscape architecture on campus or in the community, sponsorship of speakers or other educational opportunities, or other similar activities.

Ineligible Activities: Requests will not be considered for the following items: awards or stipends for university professors, individual students or staff; prizes or giveaways; lobbying, political contributions or other activities designed to influence legislation or political campaigns; or other activities deemed inappropriate by the NDC ASLA Board.

Request Process: Applications must be submitted a minimum of six weeks prior to the date of the eligible activity. NDC ASLA commits to reviewing and responding to the applicant within 30 days of receiving a completed application and all corresponding letters of support.

Funding Criteria:

  • In order to be successful, applicants must request funding for eligible activities by submitting a complete and detailed Student Funding Request Form according to the timeline outlined above.

  • The corresponding Student Chapter President and Student Chapter Faculty Advisor must approve of the application and submit letters of support via email to Applications will not be reviewed until the completed Student Funding Request Form and both letters of support are received.

  • In addition to meeting the requirements for eligible activities, funding requests will be more highly regarded if the activity is sustainable once the initial ASLA funding is received and if the activity incorporates additional funds from other sources.

Successful Requests: If approved, funds will be distributed to the Student Chapter through a process agreeable to NDC ASLA, the Student Chapter, and the affiliated educational institution. Depending on the activity, the Student Chapter may be required to provide receipts verifying eligibility of funding. Representatives from the successful Student Chapter will also submit a one-page minimum post-activity summary plus photographs showing the activity and will attend a virtual NDC ASLA Board meeting to share a brief summary report.

Contact: Jessica Williams,

Student Funding Request Form